10 Project System (Mob and Sav) Weekday data only - Weekly MWHr Percentiles by Contract Month
Period of record 1989 - Jul 2024
Month Min P05 P10 P20 P30 P40 P50 P60 P70 P80 P90 P95 Max Avg
Jan 3228 37576 39923 43183 44835 50614 53238 57110 62070 68428 85546 107317 128330 58128
Feb 34405 37905 41475 44745 48744 52165 57406 62932 67637 78142 109401 122126 145859 65367
Mar 31907 35405 40694 44283 46899 51848 57190 64572 79306 90290 107533 123827 151627 67101
Apr 26669 35157 36297 38404 41939 44597 51004 58165 66673 76499 95002 107075 138085 58751
May 29065 32657 32955 37439 40324 43110 45450 49643 57278 66223 78898 99734 134008 52742
Jun 28660 32486 34149 38612 43131 44660 46892 48508 53612 64138 70680 83010 123298 51223
Jul 29070 31839 34708 40741 46784 49924 51940 53691 56893 62750 73194 88954 123539 54006
Aug 28055 30218 32480 42726 46723 48546 52488 55753 58527 65291 73206 84998 129777 54799
Sep 27761 30451 32650 37561 41466 42662 45646 49184 53253 55964 62714 66403 118545 47775
Oct 22591 27478 31048 35514 38319 41782 43258 44893 47808 51393 70139 83800 95796 46345
Nov 28343 32294 33036 37518 39168 42583 45141 50630 56610 61974 71188 83299 106755 50473
Dec 23539 34041 37408 39155 42996 47952 53664 56458 62141 70380 87774 109725 158515 58015